Corbett’s 4th of July parade, Fun Fest and Fireworks are many people’s favorite time of the year here in Corbett Oregon! Thanks to everyone at the Corbett Fun Fest for organizing and putting on this event and to everyone that volunteered and participated.
Corbett’s Fourth of July
Corbett Oregon - We love it here!
Garlic Mustard
Corbett Oregon, , Community, Local Resources, News, News and Events, 0
Garlic Mustard is an invasive plant creeping into the Columbia River Gorge and threatening native forests and wildflowers. EMSWCD...
Corbett 4th of July Fundraiser & News
admin, , Community, Community Fundraisers, 0
Come to the Bingo Night on Feb. 16 from 5-8pm at the Grade School MPB! Only $15 per person...
Hometown 4th of July
admin, , Community, Local Spotlight, News, News and Events, 0
Corbett’s Hometown 4th of July and Jeff Lucas Memorial Parade & Cruise In WE ALL, meaning every volunteer, every...
Corbett Repeater In the Gorge
Corbett Oregon, , Community, Corbett Oregon, Forum Tid-Bits, Local Resources, News, News and Events, 0
A big thank you to Corbett residents Jim Stein and Joel Harrington. They donated a full day of their time on...
Timber Winds, Volume 1. No. 2
Corbett Oregon, , Community, Corbett Oregon, History, 0
In the spring of 1981, the TIMBER WINDS was published for the second time. Take a look below to explore...
A Tale of Two Engines
Corbett Oregon, , Corbett Oregon, Local Resources, Local Spotlight, News, 0
“The photo of the two engines is the new and old. The yellow rig was in service for thirty...
Seniors Lunch at the Grange
Corbett Oregon, , Community, Forum Tid-Bits, Local Resources, Local Spotlight, News, News and Events, 0
The seniors lunch for area residents 55 & up is every Monday. ( 11:00-1:00 p.m., the doors are open...
Garden Club Plant Sale
admin, , Community, Community Fundraisers, 0
The Columbian Garden Club is hosting its Plant Sale on Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 10 am to 3...