Garlic Mustard is an invasive plant creeping into the Columbia River Gorge and threatening native forests and wildflowers.
EMSWCD provides a dumpster for disposing of pulled and bagged garlic mustard. It is available now. The dumpster is located on the Historic Highway, in front of the ball field across the street from the Corbett Water District. The dumpster is marked clearly as GARLIC MUSTARD DUMPSTER. The dumpster will be available through late June 2016. Please only use this dumpster to dispose of garlic mustard!
Learn more from the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District here.
Young leaves of garlic mustard (right) can be confused with native plants such as fringe cup.
Please contact Jon at (503) 935-5369 or with any questions.Remember: Re-visit pulled sites frequently to make sure no new garlic mustard plants grow and go to seed. More information on pulling garlic mustard on our website: . Information on the garlic mustard dumpster (same info in this post) :